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2003-06-06 - 8:58 p.m.

Another thought regarding diversity on campuses:

At MSU, a few years back, they started the "Black Celebratory." This was a completely separate graduation ceremony, in addition to the department ceremonies, that celebrated black students' graduation. It was held on campus and was highly publicized. What the hell? I mean, celebrate all you want, I know I did--but having a racially-segregated separate graduation ceremony? Why is this necessary? I don't understand how something like this promotes so-called diversity.

And I don't understand the provided purpose of the ceremony--that they needed an addition celebration and more recognition because it's harder for black students to make it through college. Um, okay, if we're all qualified to be here, why is it harder for someone based solely on skin color to graduate than another person? Give me a freakin' break.

I'm sorry, it's just a real sore spot. I guess what grates me the most is the assertion that white people are financially, socially and economically better off than black people. I know that lots are, but the door swings both ways--there are lots of people of many races and colors better off than my family was or still is, and I think it's a flimsy excuse for segregated activities and admissions that focus on race.

Jeez! Sorry, I'll shut up now.

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