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2005-10-29 - 8:19 p.m.

It's Saturday night before Halloween and we're staying home. My Peg Bundy costume never showed up from the Tucky and I'm hoping it will be at my office on Monday, so at least I can go out then. We tried to go to a big Halloween thing at the amusement park last night, but it was sold out. Chris has to work at 4 a.m. tomorrow, so we're just staying in.

This is different for me, because I haven't missed a Halloween weekend festivities in like, EVER.

But, being in SoCal it doesn't exactly feel like fall or Halloween, it's not supposed to be sunny and 70 on Halloween weekend. So, I haven't had the chance to get all psyched up. I guess without the change in seasons, people just don't get as worked up about stuff.

We were going to do Reno again, but my pants won't zip or button, and Chris' shirt isn't exactly flattering. So we have both put on some weight, I see!

Gotta go. Later gators! Happy Halloween!

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