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2005-11-20 - 6:04 p.m.

Hmmm... so, as I may or may not have mentioned before, my ex from MI lives in the next building over. Big, freaky coincidence? Yes.

But, we're SOOOO over and have been for nearly five years. I'm happy that we broke up; if we hadn't, I never would have met my honey and do I even need to explain that? I love him more than anything, we are wonderful together, he followed me across the country because of my job, for god's sake!

We really are perfectly complementary, we just fit each other to a tee. There's no one I'd rather be with and I'm perfectly 100% content and happy with him.

So. When we ran into the ex at the grocery store (after I recovered from my instant heart attack), we have him our number on the guise of hanging out sometime.

Well, he called last week and let me tell you, making friends in a new state is HARD. I have two that we hang out with on a semi-regular basis; Chris has zero. So, when the ex called I was like yeah, sure, let's hang out! More people! Potential friends! Yeah!

Well, Chris didn't see it that way... he was dead set against hanging out with him, ever, and I kind of understand why but not really. If I was still in love with him, or regretted breaking up, of course I'd understand. But none of that exists. ANd, honestly, they'd get along famously. They have a lot in common and would probably hit it off. Which, considering how few friends we have here, would be a GOOD thing.

Alas, we didn't go. I think I should at least call the ex back to say thanks for calling, try again sometime (I hope that he might have some female friends that I could get along with, and add to my girl group of oh, two). I'm just not sure. I really do think if they met, they'd get along. And it was nearly five years ago, so it's not like it's a recent breakup or anything. I barely remember anything about our relationship, except how it ended.

So, what do you all think? I just don't know... I just really want some friends, and god, having some right across the parking lot that you don't have to go through that whole "where are you from, oh that's nice" bs would be GREAT!

I would NEVER want to go behind Chris' back and do anything (is calling to say thank you something too sneaky to do?), and would never want to make him upset... I just don't understand the big deal. I guess it's because in my old circle of friends I've known people that have significant other swapped, so to speak. One couple breaks up, then one party dates someone in the circle, and it's not been a huge deal. So, to me, this seems like nothing to get your panties in a bunch about.

But, once he gets something in his head, it's hard to change his mind. Like the idea that he can't wear red. Not true! He'd look great in reds and oranges, because he tans well. But try telling him that. Jeez. What a metro. ;)

Well, leave me notes, tell me what you think.

Oh, and all you myspacers, come find me on!

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